We are a community centered on Jesus Christ,
committed to one another, and connected to the world around
us by sharing and showing the love of God, beginning in Melrose.

Our greatest desire is to see people worship and serve the Lord Jesus. We invite you to check out this website to find out more about who we are, or better yet, join us for our Sunday morning worship service. Please contact us with questions or comments, and join us in person as we worship the Lord together.

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Latest Events


Community Dinner --Fri. March 21st, 6 PM

Melrose Community Dinner - Fri. March 21st, 6 PM

Open to All!
Lasagna, salad, green beans, dessert & more!

Please come, bring a friend, & enjoy this feast!
6 PM - at Faith Evangelical Church, 200 Franklin St., Melrose, MA
Doors open at 5 PM for appetizers.
Melrose Community Dinners are run by A Servant's Heart Food Pantry & take place every 3rd Friday of the month! They are to serve our neighbors, create community, and enjoy good food together.

Penny Crusade is Underway!

Mexico: Restored
Penny Crusade is the largest fundraising mechanism for Advent Christian missions. This year’s promotional focus is on our faithful partners who minister in Mexico. Find more about Penny Crusade here

Dig in your couch cushions and find that change which can fund the Gospel's advance around the world! Last year, North American Advent Christians raised more than $550,000 to sustain ministry works in more than 20 countries. Penny Crusade will begin this Sunday, March 16th and continue through April 27th. Our goal is to raise $3,500 for furthering God's kingdom around the world.
Let's do it!


Kids Music Tuesdays!

Pastor Josh will continue with Kids Music practice on Tuesdays again. We will at 5:30 pm, share supper for all who come, pray and sing a couple of songs together. We will meet weekly through Easter.


Order Your Easter Flowers!

Easter is quickly approaching & that means we will begin taking orders for Easter Flowers. You may buy a potted flower for Easter in honor or memory of someone for $15. These flowers will decorate our sanctuary on Easter Resurrection Sunday. Following the service you may take the flowers home with you. ORDER HERE


Small Groups are back!

We are one body in Christ, meant to grow together, encourage one another, and walk side by side in faith. One of the best ways to build these relationships is through small group Bible studies—where we can pray, learn, and support each other in a more personal setting.

This season, our small groups will meet on Sundays from 12:00 - 1:00 PM as well as on Tuesday nights from 5:30–7:00 PM at the church WHILE the youth practice musice upstairs. These groups will meet until Easter, diving deeper into the content from our Sunday sermons. This is a great opportunity to reflect, ask questions, and apply God’s Word to our daily lives.

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE - These groups are simply informal conversation about life and faith around a table. It typically includes 3 segments:

  1. Light Introductory Discussion - We usually begin with an ice-breaker / fun get-to-know you question, followed by any praises or testimonies.
  2. Discussion around the ideas from Sunday's Sermon. We discuss the realities of following Christ: our successes, our failures, where we see God's grace and its absence in our world, and how we can apply the Scripture to our daily lives. It is often light-hearted and enlightening.
  3. Prayer - we share prayer requests and close in prayer.

Participants are not required to speak, but everyone is invited to participate in the conversation.
(Tuesdays begin with a meal from 5:30 - 6 PM, and we begin small groups around 6 PM.)

Christ has gifted us with the Church, and Church is a team sport. Its more fun, fulfilling, and encouraging to follow Christ together. Please join one of these groups to encourage your faith and spur others on in theirs.


Join us every Sunday at 10:00 am.

Every Sunday morning we gather together as a community at 10:00am to worship God. This is our opportunity to proclaim God's worth and to celebrate what he has done for us through Jesus Christ. We don't come because of religious duty or obligation, but we come to hear from God through his Word and to respond to him in prayer and praise.

Our Servant's Heart Pantry

Open every Friday from 9:30-10:30 AM

A Servant's Heart Food Pantry is a vital ministry of Faith Evangelical Church and one that helps us fulfill our mission to make disciples beginning in the community of Melrose. No matter where you live there are those who are struggling to make ends meet. Melrose is no different. By offering a Food Pantry we meet people's physical need for food. By being the hands and feet of Jesus and meeting the physical needs, our hope is that we will also meet their greatest need, which is to see our need for a Saviour and repent. We want to them to know Jesus who can satisfy and fulfill all our needs perfectly.
More Info