Sunday Service Canceled - Feb. 9, 2025 due to inclement weather.Please join us virtually at 10 AM on our Facebook or YouTube channels.

We are a community centered on Jesus Christ,
committed to one another, and connected to the world around
us by sharing and showing the love of God, beginning in Melrose.

Our greatest desire is to see people worship and serve the Lord Jesus. We invite you to check out this website to find out more about who we are, or better yet, join us for our Sunday morning worship service. Please contact us with questions or comments, and join us in person as we worship the Lord together.

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Latest Events


Feb. 9, 2025 -Sunday In-Person Gathering Canceled

Due to the winter storm warning & the parking ban in Melrose, we have decided to cancel our in-person gathering for tomorrow at 10am to keep everyone home and safe. 

Virtual Gathering
Please join us tomorrow live at 10am for a virtual gathering either via Facebook or Youtube

Streaming on Facebook Live here
Streaming on YouTube Live here


Game Night & Cookie Bake-Off -Sat. Feb. 15 - 6 PM

Please join us for a fun Game Night, Saturday, Feb. 15th. Bring your favorite game! This is open for everyone, families, singles, kids, etc.

We'll also have a cookie bake-off competition! Bring your best homemade cookies to share (about 2 dozen) and we'll all get to taste, judge, and award the coveted Burnt-Spoon Trophy! It's bound to be a night of fun, laughter, and competition! Hopefully we can deliver some plates of cookies to others also!


Kids Music Tuesdays!

Pastor Josh will continue with Kids Music practice on Tuesdays again. We will at 5:30 pm, share supper for all who come, pray and sing a couple of songs together. We will try to meet once a month. Here are some potential dates for upcoming practices : 

  • January 29
  • February 18 (School Vacation Week)
  • March 25
  • April 29

Small Groups - Return in February!

We will begin small groups again, beginning the week of Feb. 23. We plan to have a Sunday afternoon group (12 - 1 PM) at the church, and a Tuesday night group (6:30-8 PM) at a home in Melrose. Please consider joining one of these groups to encourage your faith and spur others on in theirs. If you're interested in hosting or leading a small group, please contact Pastor Jonathan.
More details to follow. More details to follow.


Community Dinner --Fri. Feb. 21st, 6 PM

Melrose Community Dinner - Fri. Feb. 21st, 6 PM

Open to All!

Please come, bring a friend, & enjoy this feast!
6 PM - at Faith Evangelical Church, 200 Franklin St., Melrose, MA
Doors open at 5 PM for appetizers.
Melrose Community Dinners are run by A Servant's Heart Food Pantry & take place every 3rd Friday of the month! They are to serve our neighbors, create community, and enjoy good food together.

Youth Winter Retreat - Interest - March 7-9

Youth - Are you or your youth interested in attending a winter retreat trip "Encounter" at Camp Monadnock from Friday, March 7 - Sunday, March 9 in New Hampshire?
These retreats are available for those in grades 6-12 and are a weekend retreat that goes from Friday night through Sunday afternoon. It is described as : a weekend of high-energy, snow-packed fun against the backdrop of big faith and lasting life change.
Funds from Harry Harris can be made available to offset the cost. Find more information here at the Monadnock Encounter website and find answers to FAQ at the bottom.
If you or your youth are interested, please respond to with your camper's name & grade. Thank you!  

Operation Christmas Child! 2024

Thank you to all who packed a box, donated money, or helped load cartons. With your help we packed over 100 boxes (Gospel opportunities) and as a collection center we received 1,371 boxes! That's 1,371 Gospel opportunities out our door to children around the world! Regionally, our hub in Lexington, MA collected 12,000 boxes!

May God bless the children who receive these boxes. We've already received news that our boxes have shipped to.... Tanzania, and South Africa! May God go before them and may the Good News of the Gospel be welcomed and change lives!


Join us every Sunday at 10:00 am.

Every Sunday morning we gather together as a community at 10:00am to worship God. This is our opportunity to proclaim God's worth and to celebrate what he has done for us through Jesus Christ. We don't come because of religious duty or obligation, but we come to hear from God through his Word and to respond to him in prayer and praise.

Our Servant's Heart Pantry

Open every Friday from 9:30-10:30 AM

A Servant's Heart Food Pantry is a vital ministry of Faith Evangelical Church and one that helps us fulfill our mission to make disciples beginning in the community of Melrose. No matter where you live there are those who are struggling to make ends meet. Melrose is no different. By offering a Food Pantry we meet people's physical need for food. By being the hands and feet of Jesus and meeting the physical needs, our hope is that we will also meet their greatest need, which is to see our need for a Saviour and repent. We want to them to know Jesus who can satisfy and fulfill all our needs perfectly.
More Info