Sunday Service 06.14.20

Welcome to our online service! We are glad you have a desire to worship the risen Lord Jesus. We pray that wherever you are that you will feel the presence of the Lord understand who He is and all that he has done and that you will be able to worship, both in spirit and in truth.
-The Lord Bless you and keep you.
Call To Worship
Romans 8:11
11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.
What an amazing and powerful God we serve. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in us! Not only that but because of what Jesus has accomplished our mortal dying bodies will be given life.
Worship Through Song
Monthly Scripture Memory Verse:
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom.
2 Cor. 3:17
- June 21 – We will open our doors next Sunday, June 21st to worship together in person at our church building. We will be following all CDC & State requirements so we will be wearing masks & social distancing as well as keeping all children with us in the main service. We hope you will consider joining us and fellowshiping with us. More details to come in this Week’s Weekly update.
- June 17 – Elders Meeting this Wednesday at 7 PM.
- June 24 – Prayer Gathering
Worship Through Prayer
Prayer Reminders
1. Pastor Josh Duncan & his family as they travel to northern Maine & minister at Baptist Park this summer.
2. Our nation as we address both the prevalent systemic racism in our country as well as the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. George Peabody as he continues to treat his heart condition.
4. Joan Dean who continues to undergo Chemotherapy in her fight against cancer.
5. Our state as we continue to open up during this pandemic
6. Those with compromised immune systems and those struggling with mental illness.
7. Those who are unable to work and are struggling financially.
8. That we might be a gospel witness in the Melrose community and beyond during this time when fear and uncertainty dominate our country.
9. Those who are mourning : the families of Priscilla Harris, Bill Chadwick & Stroudwater Christian Church, Beverly Yngve, Ruth Crivello, David MacGibbon, the Jones family, & the Knapp family.
Please remember these and others as you pray.
Worship In The Word
Song of Response
2 Corinthians 13:14
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
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Excellent sermon! I needed to hear it. God loves humility and we need to come to him like little children with everything on our minds. He knows what we need already and he cares for us. Also, great prayer and music! A real blessing today!
Thank you Pastor Jonathan for a timely and helpful sermon. I am reminded of the quote “Come apart or you will come apart.” The world says “Be active; be busy; be industrious.” but God says, “Be still, be quiet, don’t rush.” Yes, may we rest in Him.
So thankful this Worship Service today. Your sermon , Pastor Jonathan, was really a blessing and encouragement to me. So thankful that you shared the importance of being completely humble in this journey of life; constantly trusting each & every day into His care; and consistently returning to God every day for our strength, joy, wisdom for all our needs. Praise the Lord for our time together!!