Sunday Worship Service 7.5.2020

Welcome to our online service! We are glad you have a desire to worship the risen Lord Jesus. We pray that wherever you are that you will feel the presence of the Lord, understand who He is and all that he has done and that you will be able to worship, both in spirit and in truth.
-The Lord Bless you and keep you.
Call to Worship
21 “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
John 4:21-24
23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
Worship Through Song
We believe in the power of prayer. 🙏 We pray to a loving & all-powerful God for whom nothing is impossible. We put our trust and hope in him.
Please pray with us :
Pray for Pastor Warren Conary as he battles COVID-19 and on oxygen in the ICU.
Pray for Pastor Josh Duncan & his family as they minister in Maine as the director of Baptist Park this summer.
Pray for Duane Crabtree who is recovering from breaking 2 bones in his foot
Pray for Dennis Hughes as he returns to work and continues to recover from knee surgery
Pray for Joan Dean who is undergoing chemotherapy in her fight against cancer.
Pray for Kathy Baker for relief from migraines as well as her job situation, that it may not be in jeopardy due to COVID-19.
Pray for George Peabody for healing & strength after receiving a heart stint
Pray for Denise Martone as she recovers from fighting cancer.
Pray for Carolyn Smith and her ongoing health needs.
Pray for all those mourning : the families of Priscilla Harris, Bill Chadwick & Stroudwater Christian Church, BeverlyYngve, Ruth Crivello, David MacGibbon, the Jones family, & the Knapp family.
COVID-19 – Pray for our leaders who need to make difficult decisions, those who are negatively impacted healthwise or financially. We pray also for the safety of the many essential workers.
Mental Health – Pray for those struggling during this difficult season as it only tends to exacerbate mental health conditions.
The Lost – All around us there are those who don’t know Christ as Lord and Savior. Please pray we can have an impact on these people and that the Lord would use us to reach them.
Our Church – Pray for God to do a new thing in our hearts & minds, and be at work in our community throught us as we seek to remain faithful to Him.
Our World – India: This week we pray for the M. M. Immanuel at the Yesuwey Jeevan Mission in in southern India. We pray for Immanuel to find his strength in the Lord and to be faithfully obedient to God’s Word. We pray that the YJM staff will honor the Lord in all they do (1 Cor. 10:31). We pray that they may be a light of Jesus Christ in the midst of these difficult times.
Worship in the Word
Song of Response
“And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified [in Christ Jesus, our Lord, Amen].”
Acts 20:32
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Thank you Pastor Jonathan and Pastor John!
Thankful for this timely message from the Word of God, Pastor Jonathan. Also. grateful to Pastor John for leading us in prayer this morning. Great to be able to worship with the Family of God today via this On-line Service.